The Cavalier Sunglasses FAQ

The Product

Can the sunglasses be made prescription?
You can replace the lenses, but our lenses are not prescription. Just a heads up, replacing the lenses may degrade the durability and potency of the product.
Is there more than one size, style, or gender option?
Our product is unisex and one-size. The classic wayfarer style will fit and complement most face shapes.
Do these come with a case or shammy?
Yes to both! Keep your sunglasses in great condition by keeping them in their case when not in use and giving them a regular buffing with the dry shammy.

Protection/Replacement program

What is the replacement program?
If you lose or break the sunglasses, we will replace them for $28 for life. Get as many replacements as you want.
Ok. What's the catch? 
No catch. In fact, we encourage you to compare the price and quality of our lenses to any other brand you admire. The goal is to keep your eyes protected always. We do have a legal disclaimer in case we need to make changes to the replacement program. Here it is: We do reserve the right to change the price or other details of the replacements at any time if our costs change or we determine it's necessary for the program. 
Can I buy more than one pair with protection at a time?
Yes, you can buy as many as you like. Just purchase more than one pair at checkout.
How do I buy these as a gift?
Please give the recipient the order number and they can email us for replacement help:

Getting Replacements

How do I get a replacement?
Go here to start a replacement order. You will be prompted to log in with the username and password you created when you placed your order. If you did not create an account, you can create one with the email address you used to check out. You will then be redirected to a secret product page where you can order your replacement(s) and checkout as normal.
If the glasses were a gift, please email us with the order number and we’ll help you out:
How many replacements can I get over time?
You can get as many replacements as you need, forever. We are chill if you order up to 4 replacements per year, but if we suspect you’re abusing the system, your shipment may be delayed. Every replacement pair request is subject to review and 2BB has final discretion.
Why aren’t your replacements free?
Most eyewear companies that offer free replacements only grant one or two for the first year. Our sunglasses are best-in-class when it comes to protecting eye health (that’s kind of our thing) and we want you to have affordable access to them forever. Therefore, each replacement has a minimal cost associated with it so we can keep the program going for as long as you need them.
If these were a gift, how do I get a replacement?
Please email us with the order number if you have it handy. If not, please email us with any information you do have:
What if my replacement arrives damaged?
Please email us at with your order number and we’ll make it right.
What if I bought the single pair, can I upgrade?
In order to access $28 replacements, you must purchase a pair with the warranty.
How much is shipping?
Please see our shipping rates when you checkout, as it depends on your location and if you have other items in your cart.

There are lots of types of blindness. We have Stargardt's, a type of macular degeneration that means we lose vision in the center of the retina. This simulator gives you peek at what its like to peep with our peepers.